The Origin Story

Mana was born and raised in Southern California, but her love for football originates with her dad coming from the Bay Area in San Francisco. Football has always been a staple in Mana’s family. She and her family are a die-hard San Francisco 49er fan base. Many family trips are planned around going to games and 90% of family conversations center around sports in general.
Mana grew up playing every sport possible during high school. But the sport she spends the most time watching, listening, discussing…yelling at the TV, is football. Mana has often been asked by many of her friends for thoughts, theories, updates, fantasy football advice, and/or even just “what the heck are the rules?”…
And thus the idea of Girls Talk Football Too was born.
A Word From Mana

This has been quite a process the last few months trying to get this blog up and running. After doing research and watching, what I felt were endless “How To” YouTube videos, I am so excited and blessed to be bringing you something that I had dreamed about last year…literally, one time I had a dream about it.
I would like to thank God everyday for a chance to use the gifts I have been blessed with to share with those around me.
To my family: Buggah, Squishy, Nikki, George, Leilia and Matea. Thank you for always having my back. Your love, whether tough or compassionate, has gotten me to where I am today. I love spending Sunday’s watching football all day with you guys or stressing out during the Niner games.
To my friends Skye and Chris for being the only two people I could talk to about this idea besides my family and for both of you being excited to see what I can do in a realm other than nursing.
And, last but not least, to the person who is reading this blog. Clearly if I didn’t think there was someone like you out there wanting to read or hear what I have to say, then I have just created a very elaborate public diary. Your time is important, so I thank you for giving me your time and attention.